Brussels Sprouts!!!!!!!!
As defined on the all knowing Wikipedia : "The Brussels (or brussels ) sprout ( Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group) of the Brassicaceae family, is a Cultivar group of wild cabbage cultivated for its small (typically 2.5–4 cm or 1–1.5 in diameter) leafy green buds, which resemble miniature cabbages." I will tell you what I know about them without cheating and looking up facts. 1. They are part of the cruciferous family of vegetables. That includes cabbage, and broccoli. What makes them cruciferous is that their parts cross over each other. Mainly their leaves. Cruciferous vegetables are big anti cancer foods. So EAT THEM!!! 2. They are yummy. That concludes everything I know about Brussels Sprouts... Well not everything. I do know they have gotten a bad rap for a long time. And I am not sure why. I guess like most hated veggies it's because people are used to ill prepared versions of these Innocent Gifts from mother earth. I don't remember ever trying a Brusse...