
Showing posts from April 15, 2012

The Range "Free" Chicken Roll

So it's been a while since I have blogged. My apologies for that, but it's just that I haven't been eating anything that great, and I haven't even really been cooking. Why you ask? Well that dreaded four letter word... DIET! Yup. We've been dieting. Well, P2 has  been dieting. I have been trying to be healthy. It's sort of the same thing, but I fall off the wagon a lot. P2 has been super strict and has taken his diet from a "diet" to a lifestyle change. I am very proud of him, and if you have seen him in the past month you can tell why. He has given up soy, dairy, gluten, wheat, and processed sugar. He says he has never felt so amazing in his whole life. I am sure he does, but I am personally not quite ready to go there just yet. I can't handle the thought of no pasta or cheese. Maybe one day, but not yet. That being said, ordering out, as a proper New Yorker does, has been our best bet. We can each get what we want. But all that ord