Joanne's Puttanesa Sauce
I have had a lot of good food in my life. In fact I have had a lot of great food in my life. Sometimes I have even had amazing food. Very rarely do you have the chance to take a bite of something and have it change your life! OK, that might be a bit much, but this sure did change my day and put a big smile on me and my sister - in -laws faces. Seems that my mom-in-law, the accomplished Chef and Poet, Joanne , thought she was just whipping something up for her and my father-in-law's dinner last night, but she happened to make the most perfect Puttanesca ever! Before I give you the scoop on how to make this sauce, I thought it would be nice to tell you it's history. Apparently it was made popular in a sexy Italian novel written in 1961. Loosely translated into English Puttanesca means "whore style". You Minx Joanne!! :) Without further Adieu... Joanne's Puttanesco Sauce! Here's what you'll need; 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil 1/4 TSP of red peppe...