Purple Cauliflower!
So last night I had no idea what to make for dinner but headed off to Chelsea Market anyway just knowing that light and healthy was the mark to hit. It had been a really long time since we had Filet Mingnon and I was thinking that with some sauteed spinach would be great. The butcher however had other plans for me because by 6:15 he was almost out of all beef. Only thing left was Rib Eye, and as lean as he was trying to convince me it was, I have never had a Rib Eye that wasn't delicious because of the fat! I skipped it. So off the the fish monger! They were looking pretty picked apart and out of a lot of things too. I decided that the old standby, Tilapia was winner. Seasoned and grilled. How could I go wrong. Now off to the Manhattan Fruit Exchange for some vegetables. I still wanted a bit of spinach, but maybe something else with a bright color. I walked around and decided I would grill some corn too. I know it really simple but I could use simple these days! Not to mention ...