It has been a while since I have picked a vegetable to talk about. But today I am craving beets, and since I can't eat a beet right now, I am going to do the next best thing.. Talk about them! I think much like the Brussels Sprout I love so much, the beet has gotten a bad wrap. This is due mostly in part to people growing up only ever trying a beet from a can. Those red discs that taste exactly like the can they plopped out of. Those are nasty!!! And they have kept the beet from getting the love they deserve! In recent years, the beet has gained more popularity as more chefs started serving them more regularly. I think this is in part to the general public having more interest in where there food is coming from and how it is prepared. Smarted clients = better product. I think what I was most surprised to learn when I Googled " Beets " is that Char is in the beet family. As in Swiss Char. I love that stuff!! Beets are extremely healthy. The have been shown to help lowe...