3 Tips for Cooking at Home

So right now it is 101 degrees outside, which means I am not leaving my house until its dark out!
That also means it's time to do some chores.
One chore I had on my list was that I needed to make some pesto. My basil plant was getting too big and I needed to cut it back. I had no use for it right now so pesto was the best option, and then freeze it.
That got me thinking that I wanted to get a few tips out there in the world.
Here they are;

#1. Pesto
You can make a pesto with pretty much any green that you have in your house that is on the verge of going bad. DON"T keep wasting money by tossing out greens that go bad. You can make a pesto with Spinach, Arugula, Kale, Chard, Parsley.... I think you get the idea. You can also use different types of nuts. They don't have to be pine nuts. Today I used Wall Nuts. I also like Pistachios too.
Then freeze it!
You can even go a step further and use an ice tray to freeze it. That way you have it portioned out for you and you don't have to thaw a whole batch if you just need a little. And if you need help there are tons of recipes online. Even on my blog :). Here is a photo of the Pesto I made today setting up in the freezer.

#2. How to Tell if Your Meat is Done
You do not need a thermometer to tell if your steak is done. All you need is your hands. Here is a quick video I made to explain it. Of course a thermometer is the only way to know the temp of your meat 100%, but this tip is really handy when your at the grill and don't want to run back inside.

#3. Best Tip for Dressing a Salad
My last tip for the day is for dressing a salad. If your like me, I am not a fan of bottled dressing, or creamy dressings. I like to keep my salads light, so I can taste the vegetables. A little acid like lemon juice or Red Wine Vinegar, salt, pepper, maybe some garlic Powder, and Parsley flakes.
The thing to remember when making your salad is that the last thing that should be spun around your salad bowl is the oil. If you pass the oil bottle around the greens first, you will stop any of the other ingredients from touching the salad. All those other flavors will just slide off those lettuce leaves.
I do the dry seasoning, then a little vinegar, and then the oil. If not I end up with an oily tasteless  salad... And that sucks!

So thats all for now. Those are my tips for the day. Now I have to go fold some more laundry.
Stay cool out there if you're having a heatwave like me. If not, get out there and BBQ!!



Anonymous said…
great idea on the pesto!

I will try the salad dressing this way since, like you, I am not a fan of bottled or oily dressings.

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