A review of TBFB by Alex

I met Alex a few years ago, and although we have only actually hung out a few times, we have always maintained our friendship via email, Facebook, Twitter and text. He has been a great friend who has had my back no matter what was going on in my life. He was especially supportive when I decided to start writing this blog. Since the first post he always commented about how he liked it, and even went to far as to offer to send it over to his contacts at Food Network.
As time has passed, my friend has developed into a guy with quite the food obsession. Always Tweeting about where he is and what he is eating, and of course I love to follow along on his culinary adventures.
From time to time Alex has even come to me with food questions or recipe ideas. No matter what I throw at him he is always able to pull it off, so I love to be able to help.
Today I woke up to a surprise email. I had asked Alex to do a small write up about his favorite restaurant in NYC called Ember Room, and to my amazement he sent this glowing review of our blog! Here is what  Alex thinks about The Best Food Blog in The World!
There are very few food centric sites/blogs in my repertoire that I can actually say that I go to on a regular basis that consistently delivers on what a self-proclaimed “foodie” like myself is looking for. And one of my absolute favorites is Paul Salvatore Petersen’s “The Best Food Blog in The World” When I’m entertaining friends at home I’m always in search of a great recipe or idea that will WOW my guests and it’s almost inevitable that I can log-on to www.thebestfoodblog.com/ and find something that’s simple and always super delicious!  I always know I can count on a range of things from the complex to the uber simple.  I remember a few years ago I had a dinner party for about 6-8 people in my tiny little apartment here in NYC and I couldn’t figure out what to make that wouldn’t require sitting down with a knife and fork and a napkin in your lap- almost instantly I was on the blog looking for ideas and I found so many and luckily I’m friends with Paul because I was able to consult him on a number of delicious options including the shrimp skewered with rosemary sprigs, mac and cheese with Fontina and béchamel, and a delicious a VERY simple Mascarpone and Nutella moose for dessert.  I’ve never forgotten this meal and my guests ALWAYS remind me of how tasty everything was.  I totally took all the credit, but please consider this my very public confession ;-)
Cooking & entertaining is something I don’t do enough of and would love to do more if I had the space so instead I spend so much of my time out on the NYC restaurant scene and a number of the places that I’ve recently visited came after reading the “The Best Food Blog in The World”.  Here’s a perfect example:  On a whim a couple of weeks ago I decided to meet up with a girlfriend of mine for dinner around Soho and I literally remember reading the blog days prior and Paul’s review of  Il Buco Alimentari & Vineria.  I called the day of and was able to secure a reservation that night!  I have to say one of the BEST meals of my life.  I had heard about the restaurant before, but it wasn’t high on the list until I read the Paul’s blog post.  We went and had an amazing culinary adventure!    Thank you, Paul!

I tell you, “The Best Food Blog in the World” is a PHENOMENAL resource for dining out and an even better resource for dining in!  Who needs Zagat’s or the Food Network or any of those other sites you may go to?  Paul’s blog is real, easy to navigate, informative, fun, and just an all around great tool!  I wish him all the success in the world because this thing is OUTSTANDING!!!!!!  Xoxo, Alex
WOW WOW WOW!! Thank you Alex!!! I am touched and honored to have someone think so highly of my blog! You have given me another reason to keep going and keep working harder on the blog to make it better and better for you and all the other readers. I am blessed to know you and have you in my life!


If you guys want to follow along on Alex's culinary adventure follow him on Twitter. (don't be thrown off by his name being Rich on his profile.. it's him! LOL) Here are a few pics he has posted in the past for a glimps of what you'll see if you follow him.


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