Il Bagatto

Last night to my surprise P2 asked me if we could go to Il Bagatto. This happens to be my FAVORITE little corner of the planet. I said "yes". I said "yes" loud and I said it clear. I said "yes"!
To me there is no place better to go for dinner. The best part of dinner there is the special that they offer every night. The grilled Calamari.
It's marinated in lemon, olive oil, salt, pepper, and parsley. Then grilled to perfection! I really could eat this every day of my life. Whenever you go, the room is full of people eating it. The people who aren't just haven't ordered yet.

Located on 2nd St. between Aves A&B, Il Bagatto is on the quintessential East Village block. It's got a psychic, a laundromat, a tattoo place, and a bar that I used to go to that has long since been shut down, and is now covered in graffiti. In the summer the front of the restaurant openes up which allows for side walk seating. On a winter night, like last night, the lights are dim and the candles are lit, making it a warm cozy place for some wine and pasta!

The one reason I was thinking that I wanted to write about this place is because I realized last night that this is the only place in NYC that I have been loyal to for the 10+ years that I have been living here. I can't think of another New York restaurant, I have consistently visited, consistently been impressed with, or consistently sent people to than I have Il Bagatto. For this I owe my very good friend Krista Sorrentino!

Last night we started with a little Bruschetta;
Then moved onto the Calamari and a plate of cured meat and Mozzarella.
After that we moved onto pasta which was a thick homemade Spaghetti with a baby back rib ragu, and a Bronzino fillet with an Artichoke and Pine Nut mixture on top. That was served with sauteed Dandelion Greens!
They were both BEYOND!
Then we forced ourselves to have a little dessert. P2 had the Tiramisu and I had the Lemon Sorbetti. 
I am sure most of you reading this have been to Il Bagatto. If you haven't get there soon. If you have, get there again.
I am still stuffed from last night, but I want more!!
When you get there ask for Julio. He is the owner, and one of the nicest, generous restaurant owners I have ever met!
Make sure to check out the web site at the bottom of the post.

Let me know when you go! I wanna hear what you think!

Il Bagatto
192 2nd St (Aves A & B)
New York, NY 10009


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